While our audio engineers can discuss the physics of sound waves at length, what matters most to you is how well your lecture, meeting, game or other presentation can be heard. Pentegra Systems understands the importance of clarity, not only of the spoken word, but also for musical programs. Our designs take into account both the latest audio technology and also the acoustics of the space, providing an engaging experience for all listeners.

Live Performance

Using the latest in digital mixing, control systems, sound processing, amplification, microphone and loudspeaker technology, Pentegra designs audio systems that elicit the intended emotional response, yet remain reliable and easy to use.

Distributed Paging & Public Access

Depending on the application and desired atmosphere, a distributed audio system from Pentegra Systems may be the best solution for delivering music and the spoken word. Pentegra’s audio engineers perform a needs assessment and design a customized solution for each client.

Broadcast & Recording

Broadcast & recording systems can take various forms. Each design by Pentegra Systems is tailored not only to your technology needs, but also to the technical capabilities of the people who use the system.

Sound Masking

Sound masking is the addition of a familiar background sound to an environment. This audible sound covers up, or masks, human speech and helps mitigate the distraction of other sounds, making an environment more comfortable, workers more productive and creating privacy.

More Solutions From Pentegra

Pentegra Solutions offers more than just audio. Click to learn more about our other systems.

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