Get The Right Information To Improve School Security

There are many reasons to install or upgrade a school’s security systems. Beyond the safety of people in your buildings, there are considerations of behavior modification, asset protection, insurance, incident prevention, and more.

A comprehensive school security solution should be designed after taking all these elements into consideration. Pentegra is affiliated with and certified by the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools to help with security planning.

Learn More to Improve School Security

Pentegra's School Security Consulting is PASS Certified

Pentegra Systems is uniquely certified by the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) security team to understand the environments, technologies, and processes required to deliver comprehensive development of requirements through to a complete, installed solution.

Consultation is unbiased. Our consultant provides a final assessment and recommendation. You can continue to work with Pentegra for an installed solution, involve other providers, or work with a different provider. This consultation gives you informed, actionable information that create safe schools.

Partner Alliance for Safer Schools Security Consultants discussing school security design

PASS-Certified Security Consultation Benefits

How a school security consultant will benefit your security planning:

  • Identification of all the reasons your facility needs to improve security
  • Assembling the right team for all viewpoints; drawing from faculty, families, municipal government, first responders, and others as needed
  • Developing an informed security design based on all input. Our security design services can take it to whatever level of detail you require.
  • Finding a solution in your budget. We can recommend technology at any scale.
  • Instilling confidence in the final solution. You will know the best technology has been selected and configured to suit the purposes identified. Then it’s a matter of installation following the provided design, whether you select Pentegra or choose another path.
Get in Touch

Get in Touch With A PASS-Certified Pentegra Consultant

Pentegra Systems has been improving security for businesses in Chicago and much of Illinois since 2000. If you have questions about improving your school and campus security, please fill out the form below.

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